jueves, 21 de enero de 2016

One Punch Man edit [22/01/16]

He is a guy ho is a hero for Hobby

Just made a Stealthy photo to one of my classmates, and edited with Photoshop.
it's just for fun.


martes, 12 de enero de 2016

二色馬VHS/島システ "Unity Scene" [13/01/16]

my first Unity Scenario, it's just a simlpe sci-fi pinky island with vaporwave music. does'nt have much.

you can get your free copy here

Textured Barrel [13/01/16]

An unwraped and texturized model, doesn't  have normalmap yet.

MLP character [13/01/2016]

My first simple and organic character model
it have 1.566 polys.

CrioPod [13/01/16]

I made this kind of CrioCapsule or fridge for a classwork
The lowpoly model (the pink one) hace 10.134 polys,
The HighPoly (the blue one) have 211.296 polys.

I don't even know why the Blue model looks a little bit dirty but looks cool, I think is for the light, but I don't know really.